In November, just three months from now, you’ll be able to use the new After a crazy amount of work by communications and other departments, our website reboot is arriving on time. You asked for a simpler, one-step login, and you’ll get it. But there is one hitch, and I paraphrase Uncle Ben Parker here: With great power comes a mildly annoying need for change. That is, you’ve got to be ready for a new way to log in.

Instead of using your SWOG ID number and password, you’ll use a user name and password provided by the NCI’s Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) to get onto the members-only section of the website. Luckily, if you already have CTEP/IAM credentials – and most of our oncology research professionals and investigators do – you’re all set.

If you don’t have CTEP/IAM credentials, please register here. Note that it will take two to three business days to receive your credentials. I urge you to request those now, and keep them close to your computer (in confidential fashion of course). You’ll want to see what we’ve got in store for you!

Our new site features an improved search function for members, as well as trials, publications, and a member resources section with training options, group meeting information, and other important data and tools, all in one place. The site features fresh photos and videos, updated information on our impact and history – even a glossary so you can speak better SWOG. And, for the first time, we’ll have photos and testimonials from SWOG trial participants – the ones who actually make our studies possible.

Note that most web content will be public. You won’t have to log on at all to search our trials and our publications, for example. But our member directory will remain private, along with a few other tools, so you will definitely want to set yourselves up to log in.

If you’re not eligible for a CTEP/IAM account – which applies to only a small portion of our members, including site financial staff – you will use your standard SWOG roster number and password to log in. So if you fall in this category, don’t worry. You are still all set.

Need help? Call the CTEP Registration Help Desk: 703-738-9171 (Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm Eastern Time) or send them an email at For SWOG log-in help, or any other questions, contact

So remember, you can’t access the full site, in all its glory, without CTEP or SWOG credentials. And it will be glorious!

Abstracts are coming due for the ASCO GI Cancers Symposium. Please send yours to SWOG Publications Manager Pat Arlauskas for processing no later than Sept. 13.